Rules Of The Campsite
Permission to Camp on, Hike to, or use Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin must first be obtained from the Site Warden.
- The house, grounds and fields across the stone bridge from Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin are OUT OF BOUNDS, except with special permission from the Site Warden.
- Fires are to be lit only on the fire sites
- The river is not to be polluted in any way.
- The consumption of Alcohol is not permitted on site.
- Please leave Glenshelane Scout Campsite & Cabin in as good (if not better) condition than you found it.
Other than married couples, male and females campers will use separate tents which must be pitched with due regard to privacy. Wives and children of Leaders are permitted to camp, but children remain at all times the complete responsibility of their parents.
Accidents And Damage
The 4th Waterford Scout Unit cannot accept liability in the case of personal injury to visitors and/or campers, or for the loss and/or damage to their property (including vehicles), no matter what the cause may be.
Leave No Trace
An Outdoor Ethics Programme designed to promote and inspire responsible outdoor recreation through education, research, and partnerships. An ethic can be defined as knowing what the right thing to do is, and doing it, even if there is no one about to see you do it. Leave No Trace depends more on attitude and awareness than on rules and regulations.
Why Leave No Trace?
As increasing numbers of people seek the beauty and exhilaration of outdoor recreation, our collective mark on the environment and its natural processes, increases. Litter, disturbance to vegetation, water pollution, wildlife, livestock and other people are all indicators of the need to develop a national ethic that protects both natural and cultural heritage. Techniques designed to minimise the social and environmental impacts to these areas are incorporated into the Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics Education Programme as seven principles.
The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace
- Plan Ahead and Prepare
- Be Considerate of Others
- Respect Farm Animals and Wildlife
- Travel and Camp on Durable Ground
- Leave What You Find
- Dispose of Waste Properly
- Minimise the Effects of Fire
Practising a Leave No Trace ethic is very simple: Make it hard for others to see or hear you and LEAVE NO TRACE of your visit. Remember we all have a part to play, whether walking your dog, fishing, hiking, biking or visiting your local park - Please Leave No Trace and be an advocate for the Message.
"...the person who goes with reverent feet through the hills and valleys, accompanied by neither noise nor dust to scare away wild creatures, stopping often, watching closely, listening carefully. Only thus can they, at length, feel at one with what is, after all, their natural environment." (Praeger 1937)
The Country Code
The most widely accepted version of The Country Code was published in 1981 by The Countryside Commission:
- Enjoy the countryside and respect its life and work
- Guard against all risk of fire
- Fasten all gates
- Keep your dogs under close control
- Keep to public paths across farmland
- Use gates and stiles to cross fences, hedges and walls
- Leave livestock, crops and machinery alone
- Take your litter home
- Help to keep all water clean
- Protect wildlife, plants and trees
- Take special care on country roads
- Make no unnecessary noise